The Queen’s Roses and Bouquet Collection Donate Roses to Seniors

The Queen’s Roses and Bouquet Collection have donated roses to the Key Biscayne Community Foundation.

Paola Serna (left) and her husband, Herbert Jordan, along with their friend, Alexis Helms (right), donated over a hundred bouquets of roses to the Key Biscayne Community Foundation. We are handing them out to our volunteers for our Adopt a Senior program, to be delivered to home-bound senior citizens all over the Key. We’ll also deliver some to service employees and others who are keeping our community running during this time.

Paola and Herbert run the companies The Queen’s Roses and Bouquet Collection. They had a huge shipment of flowers come in that they couldn’t use in the current situation with COVID-19, so they wanted to make sure the flowers went to a good cause. They’re also donating to hospitals, other organizations, and service employees.